Upper back and Posture Exercise!
March 18, 2020Low back pain – How to get out of bed?
March 18, 2020
A note from Dr. Kody Au
To all of my wonderful clients and Baseline Supporters:
First of all, I would like to thank all of you for being part of this community around Baseline. Five years ago, if I was told that I would have such an amazing team to work with and such an amazing client base that has been with me I would never have believed it.
Now let’s address the picture I decided the post for you. Most of you may know that I was once a Registered Nurse and this picture was at my graduation. I actually do not like being in pictures so while I was searching for a “professional picture” to post, I decided on this one. I post this for comical relief in a time of uncertainty, but I also post this as a tribute to all of my past colleagues who are nurses and fighting for us on the front line. I know first hand how hard it is to be a nurse and you have my unrelenting support for the amazing work that you do. The world owes you for all you do, never forget that.
For my clients now, Baseline, as you know, has always been so much more than just addressing your aches and pains. It has always been about being your guide and team member to help you with your specific needs with your journey towards your physical health goals. Often times, it has needed my hands to help with this guidance but I want you to know that I am still here to offer support even though my hands cannot help at this time with the pain.
It was the most difficult decision in my life to close the clinic to protect our clients and our staff but it is one that I stand behind each day. I have committed the time off of treatment hours to create valuable content to address the things that I see in clinic and help you through these times. I want to continue to guide you with your health goals at this time and please feel free to reach out if you need more support. I am here for you.
As you may have seen in the last few days, our social media has been very active as well as you may have received e-mails from us. It is a learning process, so bear with us, but please share our resources with your family, friends and loved ones as we
are looking to help in whatever way we can.
Also, please email me at info@baselinewellness.ca and regarding aches and pain, stretches, and other concerns, and I will get back to you as soon as I with assistance.
More updates will be coming. I hope you all remain healthy, optimistic and please take care of yourselves and spend time with your families.
Much Love,