1How does Acupuncture work?
Acupuncturists use the needles to stimulate the nervous system to produce body’s natural pain killers such as endorphin to reduce pain. It also enhances the blood flow. In Eastern medicine, Acupuncturists use the needles to unblock the channels to enhance Qi flow.
2Is Acupuncture painful?
Often, patients inquire if acupuncture is painful. Acupuncture needles are now quite thin, making them almost painless when inserted. Some may feel a mild discomfort when the needle is inserted, but only for a fraction of a second. Once a needle reaches its intended depth, patients are likely to feel a mild dull ache, a slight tingling sensation or warmth around the needle site. This is generally an indication that the treatment is working and that the acupuncture point is being activated. Acupuncture needles are metallic and extremely fine (as thin as a hair) making them painless upon insertion. Each person's perception of pain is subjective and unique. Some patients may experience mild discomfort upon insertion of the acupuncture needle, however most individuals do not. Once the needles are inserted, one may experience a mild aching sensation or warmth around the needle site.
3Are the needles sterilized?
Rest assured, we use single use sterile, disposable needles to prevent any risk of infection.
4What are the therapeutic benefits of Acupuncture?
Some therapeutic effects of acupuncture may include pain reduction, improved mood, increased energy, and improved body function.
5What can I expect during my initial visit?
During your initial appointment, your acupuncturist will perform a thorough assessment including history taking and a physical assessment. Findings from the assessment will be discussed with you and if indicated, Acupuncture may be suggested as part of your treatment plan. The treatment procedure will be described in detail and consent will be obtained before proceeding with treatment.
6What does Acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture is a useful treatment that is able to target a wide range of pains and syndromes. Some common ones include:
● Upper or Low back pain
● Neck pain
● Frozen Shoulder
● Knee Pain
● Hip Pain
● Achilles Tendonitis
● Elbow Pain
● Jaw Pain
● Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
● Sciatic nerve pain (Sciatica)
● IT Band syndrome (Knee Pain)
● Plantar fasciitis (Foot Pain)
● Piriformis Syndrome
Acupuncture is also a great option if you have syndromes such as:
● Headaches and Migraines
● Insomnia
● Stress
● Digestive Problems
● Weight loss challenges
● Weak Immune System
7Are there any side effects of Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a safe and effective form of treatment with very few side effects. Most patients find acupuncture treatments relaxing and experience minimal discomfort. Occasional side effects of acupuncture include soreness and possibly bruising where the needles were inserted. Single use, sterile, disposable are used to prevent any risk of infection.